Howlite Wand - Peace & Harmony
š®Howlite has the ability ofĀ calming the mind, bring wisdom andĀ facilitate a state of introspection which connects us withĀ our true self. Stone of awareness, howlite connects us to higher spiritual consciousness.Ā
š®Its calming energy helps increaseĀ patience, control angerĀ andĀ nervousness. Helps accessĀ our innerĀ strengthĀ to release harmful thoughts and old emotional pain. When placedĀ in troubled environments, howliteĀ promotes peace.
š®Stimulates the appreciation of beauty, inspiration, creativity and artistic expression.Ā Howlite is also known for its ability to absorb negative energy. For a restfulĀ sleep, placeĀ it near the bed or under the pillow.
- Use the wand as a tool to help relieve physical and mental tension by gently massaging the rounded end over tension points.
- As anĀ energy healing aid, place it withĀ the pointed tip facing upĀ on the chakra you want to unblock or stabilise, so that it activates, stimulates and clears the chakra's energy.
šŖWands can be used in a variety of ways, including as tools for energy healing, crystal grids, rituals, and spell work. They are especially powerful when used with other crystals.
The items shown are the exact ones you will receive. Stones are sold individually.